随机生成两个素数,p , q
令n = p*q
由欧拉公式计算出φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)
规定e,使得e满足1<e<φ(n),且gcd(e,φ(n)) = 1,一般e=65537或0x10001
计算d,使得d满足ed≡1mod φ(n),即称d是e在模φ(n)下的逆元
- $n=p^{e_1}_1p^{e_2}_2\dots p^{e_k}_k$
- $\varphi(n)=n(1-\frac{1}{p_1})(1-\frac{1}{p_2})\dots (1-\frac{1}{p_k})$
- $\varphi(n)=p^{e_1-1}_1p^{e_2-1}_2\dots p^{e_k-1}_k(p_1-1)(p_2-1)\dots (p_k-1)$
- 当$gcd(n,x)=1$时,满足$x^{\varphi(n)}\equiv 1\ mod\ n$
加密:c≡me mod n
解密:m≡cd mod n
- 此方法适用于已知$p,q,e,c$的情况下
可以使用RSA Tool 2工具解密或者编写如下脚本
from Crypto.Util.number import *
p = ?
q = ?
e = ?
c = ?
n = p*q
d = inverse(e,(p-1) * (q-1))
m = pow(c,d,n)
- 此方法使用于已知$p,q,d_{p},d_{q},c$的情况下
- 然而使用此方法前可以先尝试常用e值,在发现无法确定e值的情况下再使用
- dp,dq泄露
- 理论推导 红色字 为重要结论
$$\because m \equiv c^d(mod\ n)$$
$$\therefore m = c^d+kn = c^d+k\cdot pq$$
$$m_{1} \equiv c^d(mod\ p)\ ①\ ,\ m_{2} \equiv c^d(mod\ q)\ ②$$
$$①\Rightarrow c^d=m_{1}+tp$$
$$代入②\Rightarrow m_{2}\equiv m_{1}+tp(mod\ q)$$
$$\therefore m_{2}=m_{1}+t\cdot p+r\cdot q\ \Rightarrow m_{2}-m_{1}=t\cdot p+r\cdot q$$
$$\therefore m_{2}-m_{1}=t\cdot p(mod\ q)$$
$$\therefore (m_{2}-m_{1})\cdot p^{-1}\equiv t(mod\ q)$$
$$\Rightarrow t=(m_{2}-m_{1})\cdot p^{-1}(mod\ q)$$
$$\therefore c^d=[(m_{2}-m_{1})\cdot p^{-1}(mod\ q)]p+m_{1}$$
$$\because m\equiv c^d(mod\ n)$$
$$\therefore {\color{Red} m\equiv [[(m_{2}-m_{1})\cdot p^{-1}(mod\ q)]p+m_{1}]mod\ n}$$
$$d\equiv d_{p}mod(p-1)\ , \ d\equiv d_{q}mod(q-1)$$
$$m_{1} \equiv c^dmod\ p\ ,\ m_{2} \equiv c^dmod\ q$$
$$\Rightarrow m_{1} \equiv c^\left .d_{p}\ +k_{1}\cdot (p-1)\right.\ mod\ p\ ,\ m_{2} \equiv c^\left .d_{q}\ +k_{2}\cdot (q-1)\right.\ mod\ p$$
$$\because c^\left.p-1\right.\equiv 1\ mod\ p$$
$$\Rightarrow {\color{Red} m_{1}\equiv c^\left .d_{p}\right . mod\ p\ ,\ m_{2}\equiv c^\left .d_{q}\right . mod \ q}$$
from Crypto.Util.number import *
p = ?
q = ?
dp = ?
dq = ?
c = ?
mp = pow(c,dp,p)
mq = pow(c,dq,q)
pi = inverse(p,q)
m = ((((mq-mp)pi)%q)p+mp)%(p*q)
- 此方法使用于已知$e,n,d_{p},c$的情况下
- dp泄露
- 理论推导 红色字 为重要结论
$$d_{p} \equiv d mod (p-1)$$
$$\Rightarrow d\cdot e = k_{1}(p-1)+d_{p}\cdot e$$
$$\because d\cdot e = 1mod(p-1)(q-1) \Rightarrow d\cdot e=k_{2}(p-1)(q-1)+1$$
$$\therefore {\color{Red} (p-1)(k_{2}(q-1)-k_{1})+1 = d_{p}e}$$
$$\because d_{p}<d$$
$$\therefore (k_{2}(q-1)-k_{1})=x\in (1,e)$$
from Crypto.Util.number import *
e = 65537
n = ?
dp = ?
c = ?
a = dp*e-1
for x in range(2,e):
if a%x == 0:
p = a//x+1
if n%p == 0:
q = n//p
d = inverse(e,(p-1)*(q-1))
m = pow(c,d,n)
- 此方法使用于已知$n,e_{1},e_{2},c_{1},c_{2}$的情况下
- 且$gcd(e_{1},e_{2})=1$
- 共模攻击
- 理论推导 红色字 为重要结论
- 存在两种密钥对同一明文进行加密
- 下述为针对此题特殊情况下的特殊推导,需满足$gcd(e_{1},e_{2})=1$
$$c_{1}=m^\left. e_{1}\right. mod\ n\ \&\ m=c_{1}^\left.d_{1}\right.mod\ n$$
$$c_{2}=m^\left. e_{2}\right. mod\ n\ \&\ m=c_{2}^\left.d_{2}\right.mod\ n$$
$$构造一对(s_{1},s_{2})满足e_{1}s_{1}+e_{2}s_{2}=1其中s_{1},s_{2}\in Z,s_{1}>0,s_{2}<0$$
$$c_{1}=m^\left. e_{1}\right. mod\ n \Rightarrow c_{1}^\left. s_{1}\right. =m^\left. e_{1}s_{1}\right. mod\ n ①$$
$$c_{2}=m^\left. e_{2}\right. mod\ n \Rightarrow c_{2}^\left. s_{2}\right. =m^\left. e_{2}s_{2}\right. mod\ n ②$$
$$①\times ②\Rightarrow c_{1}^\left. s_{1}\right. c_{2}^\left. s_{2}\right. mod\ n = m^\left. e_{1}s_{1}+e_{2}s_{2}\right. mod\ n$$
$$\Rightarrow c_{1}^\left. s_{1}\right. c_{2}^\left. s_{2}\right. mod\ n=m\ mod\ n$$
$$\because m=c^d mod\ n \therefore m<n$$
$$\therefore {\color{red}m=c_{1}^\left. s_{1}\right. c_{2}^\left. s_{2}\right. mod\ n}$$
$${\color{red}m=(c_{1}^\left. s_{1}\right. mod\ n\cdot c_{2}^\left. s_{2}\right. mod\ n)mod\ n}$$
$$(e_{1}-e{2})s_{1}\equiv 1\ mod\ e_{2}$$
$$s_{1}=(e_{1}-e{2})^\left. -1\right. $$
- 由此计算出一对$(s_{1},s_{2})$,进而算出明文m
- 编写脚本
from Crypto.Util.number import *
n = ?
c1 = ?
c2 = ?
e1 = ?
e2 = ?
e1_e2 = e1-e2
s1 = inverse(e1_e2,e2)
s2 = (1-e1*s1)//e2
m = pow(c1,s1,n)*pow(c2,s2,n)%n
- 此方法使用于$e$过大或过小的情况下
- 本质:满足$d < \frac{1}{3} N^{\frac{1}{4} }$则一定可以分解$N$
- 大致解密过程是用RSAwienerHacker库来攻击得到d
- 原理太复杂了要翻论文了-链接
- 板子
from RSAwienerHacker import *
n = ?
e = ?
d = hack_RSA(e,n)
from Crypto.Util.number import *
e1 = ...
e2 = ...
N = ...
a = 5/14
D = diagonal_matrix(ZZ, [N, int(N^(1/2)), int(N^(1+a)), 1])
M = matrix(ZZ, [[1, -N, 0, N^2], [0, e1, -e1, -e1*N], [0, 0, e2, -e2*N], [0, 0, 0, e1*e2]])*D
L = M.LLL()
t = vector(ZZ, L[0])
x = t * M^(-1)
phi = int(x[1]/x[0]*e1)
d = inverse(e,phi)
Boneh Durfee攻击
- 这是维纳攻击的一种延伸,拓展了可以攻击的d的范围
- $d<n^{0.292}$
import time
from Crypto.Util.number import *
Setting debug to true will display more informations
about the lattice, the bounds, the vectors...
debug = True
Setting strict to true will stop the algorithm (and
return (-1, -1)) if we don't have a correct
upperbound on the determinant. Note that this
doesn't necesseraly mean that no solutions
will be found since the theoretical upperbound is
usualy far away from actual results. That is why
you should probably use `strict = False`
strict = False
This is experimental, but has provided remarkable results
so far. It tries to reduce the lattice as much as it can
while keeping its efficiency. I see no reason not to use
this option, but if things don't work, you should try
disabling it
helpful_only = True
dimension_min = 7 # stop removing if lattice reaches that dimension
# Functions
# display stats on helpful vectors
def helpful_vectors(BB, modulus):
nothelpful = 0
for ii in range(BB.dimensions()[0]):
if BB[ii,ii] >= modulus:
nothelpful += 1
print (nothelpful, "/", BB.dimensions()[0], " vectors are not helpful")
# display matrix picture with 0 and X
def matrix_overview(BB, bound):
for ii in range(BB.dimensions()[0]):
a = ('%02d ' % ii)
for jj in range(BB.dimensions()[1]):
a += '0' if BB[ii,jj] == 0 else 'X'
if BB.dimensions()[0] < 60:
a += ' '
if BB[ii, ii] >= bound:
a += '~'
print (a)
# tries to remove unhelpful vectors
# we start at current = n-1 (last vector)
def remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, bound, current):
# end of our recursive function
if current == -1 or BB.dimensions()[0] <= dimension_min:
return BB
# we start by checking from the end
for ii in range(current, -1, -1):
# if it is unhelpful:
if BB[ii, ii] >= bound:
affected_vectors = 0
affected_vector_index = 0
# let's check if it affects other vectors
for jj in range(ii + 1, BB.dimensions()[0]):
# if another vector is affected:
# we increase the count
if BB[jj, ii] != 0:
affected_vectors += 1
affected_vector_index = jj
# level:0
# if no other vectors end up affected
# we remove it
if affected_vectors == 0:
print ("* removing unhelpful vector", ii)
BB = BB.delete_columns([ii])
BB = BB.delete_rows([ii])
BB = remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, bound, ii-1)
return BB
# level:1
# if just one was affected we check
# if it is affecting someone else
elif affected_vectors == 1:
affected_deeper = True
for kk in range(affected_vector_index + 1, BB.dimensions()[0]):
# if it is affecting even one vector
# we give up on this one
if BB[kk, affected_vector_index] != 0:
affected_deeper = False
# remove both it if no other vector was affected and
# this helpful vector is not helpful enough
# compared to our unhelpful one
if affected_deeper and abs(bound - BB[affected_vector_index, affected_vector_index]) < abs(bound - BB[ii, ii]):
print ("* removing unhelpful vectors", ii, "and", affected_vector_index)
BB = BB.delete_columns([affected_vector_index, ii])
BB = BB.delete_rows([affected_vector_index, ii])
BB = remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, bound, ii-1)
return BB
# nothing happened
return BB
* 0,0 if it fails
* -1,-1 if `strict=true`, and determinant doesn't bound
* x0,y0 the solutions of `pol`
def boneh_durfee(pol, modulus, mm, tt, XX, YY):
Boneh and Durfee revisited by Herrmann and May
finds a solution if:
* d < N^delta
* |x| < e^delta
* |y| < e^0.5
whenever delta < 1 - sqrt(2)/2 ~ 0.292
# substitution (Herrman and May)
PR.<u, x, y> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
Q = PR.quotient(x*y + 1 - u) # u = xy + 1
polZ = Q(pol).lift()
UU = XX*YY + 1
# x-shifts
gg = []
for kk in range(mm + 1):
for ii in range(mm - kk + 1):
xshift = x^ii * modulus^(mm - kk) * polZ(u, x, y)^kk
# x-shifts list of monomials
monomials = []
for polynomial in gg:
for monomial in polynomial.monomials():
if monomial not in monomials:
# y-shifts (selected by Herrman and May)
for jj in range(1, tt + 1):
for kk in range(floor(mm/tt) * jj, mm + 1):
yshift = y^jj * polZ(u, x, y)^kk * modulus^(mm - kk)
yshift = Q(yshift).lift()
gg.append(yshift) # substitution
# y-shifts list of monomials
for jj in range(1, tt + 1):
for kk in range(floor(mm/tt) * jj, mm + 1):
monomials.append(u^kk * y^jj)
# construct lattice B
nn = len(monomials)
BB = Matrix(ZZ, nn)
for ii in range(nn):
BB[ii, 0] = gg[ii](0, 0, 0)
for jj in range(1, ii + 1):
if monomials[jj] in gg[ii].monomials():
BB[ii, jj] = gg[ii].monomial_coefficient(monomials[jj]) * monomials[jj](UU,XX,YY)
# Prototype to reduce the lattice
if helpful_only:
# automatically remove
BB = remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, modulus^mm, nn-1)
# reset dimension
nn = BB.dimensions()[0]
if nn == 0:
print ("failure")
return 0,0
# check if vectors are helpful
if debug:
helpful_vectors(BB, modulus^mm)
# check if determinant is correctly bounded
det = BB.det()
bound = modulus^(mm*nn)
if det >= bound:
print ("We do not have det < bound. Solutions might not be found.")
print ("Try with highers m and t.")
if debug:
diff = (log(det) - log(bound)) / log(2)
print ("size det(L) - size e^(m*n) = ", floor(diff))
if strict:
return -1, -1
print ("det(L) < e^(m*n) (good! If a solution exists < N^delta, it will be found)")
# display the lattice basis
if debug:
matrix_overview(BB, modulus^mm)
if debug:
print ("optimizing basis of the lattice via LLL, this can take a long time")
if debug:
print ("LLL is done!")
# transform vector i & j -> polynomials 1 & 2
if debug:
print ("looking for independent vectors in the lattice")
found_polynomials = False
for pol1_idx in range(nn - 1):
for pol2_idx in range(pol1_idx + 1, nn):
# for i and j, create the two polynomials
PR.<w,z> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
pol1 = pol2 = 0
for jj in range(nn):
pol1 += monomials[jj](w*z+1,w,z) * BB[pol1_idx, jj] / monomials[jj](UU,XX,YY)
pol2 += monomials[jj](w*z+1,w,z) * BB[pol2_idx, jj] / monomials[jj](UU,XX,YY)
# resultant
PR.<q> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
rr = pol1.resultant(pol2)
# are these good polynomials?
if rr.is_zero() or rr.monomials() == [1]:
print ("found them, using vectors", pol1_idx, "and", pol2_idx)
found_polynomials = True
if found_polynomials:
if not found_polynomials:
print ("no independant vectors could be found. This should very rarely happen...")
return 0, 0
rr = rr(q, q)
# solutions
soly = rr.roots()
if len(soly) == 0:
print ("Your prediction (delta) is too small")
return 0, 0
soly = soly[0][0]
ss = pol1(q, soly)
solx = ss.roots()[0][0]
return solx, soly
def example(N,e,delta):
# How To Use This Script
# Lattice (tweak those values)
# you should tweak this (after a first run), (e.g. increment it until a solution is found)
m = 4 # size of the lattice (bigger the better/slower)
# you need to be a lattice master to tweak these
t = int((1-2*delta) * m) # optimization from Herrmann and May
X = 2*floor(N^delta) # this _might_ be too much
Y = floor(N^(1/2)) # correct if p, q are ~ same size
# Don't touch anything below
# Problem put in equation
P.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
A = int((N+1)/2)
pol = 1 + x * (A + y)
# Find the solutions!
# Checking bounds
if debug:
print ("=== checking values ===")
print ("* delta:", delta)
print ("* delta < 0.292", delta < 0.292)
print ("* size of e:", int(log(e)/log(2)))
print ("* size of N:", int(log(N)/log(2)))
print ("* m:", m, ", t:", t)
# boneh_durfee
if debug:
print ("=== running algorithm ===")
start_time = time.time()
solx, soly = boneh_durfee(pol, e, m, t, X, Y)
# found a solution?
if solx > 0:
print ("=== solution found ===")
if False:
print ("x:", solx)
print ("y:", soly)
d = int(pol(solx, soly) / e)
print ("private key found:", d)
print ("=== no solution was found ===")
if debug:
print("=== %s seconds ===" % (time.time() - start_time))
return d
if __name__ == "__main__":
n = ?
e = ?
c = ?
# the hypothesis on the private exponent (the theoretical maximum is 0.292)
delta = 0.28 # this means that d < N^delta
d = example(n,e,delta)
- 此方法适用于$e$非质,即$gcd(e,\varphi )=2$
- 要求解任意模数二次剩余先要求解奇素数模数二次剩余–具体理论查看此链
- 据此推导过程编写脚本
实例[0xGame 2024] Number-Theory-CRT
from Crypto.Util.number import *
import sympy
from sympy.ntheory.modular import crt
c = ?
e = ?
n = ?
p = ?
q = ?
phi = (p-1) * (q-1)
print(GCD(e,phi)) # 发现公约数2,分析得到二次剩余
def find_quadratic_residues(a, p):
# 首先检查 a 是否是模 p 下的二次剩余
if not sympy.is_quad_residue(a, p):
return None # 如果 a 不是二次剩余,返回 None
# 使用 sympy 的 nthroot_mod 找到一个解
x = sympy.nthroot_mod(a, 2, p, all_roots=False)
# 计算另一个解
second_solution = p - x
return (x, second_solution)
x1 = find_quadratic_residues(c,p) # 求解模p下的二次剩余
x2 = find_quadratic_residues(c,q) # 求解模q下的二次剩余
for i in x1:
for j in x2:
remainders = [i,j]
mods = [p,q]
m_ = crt(mods, remainders)[0] # CRT合并得到模n的二次剩余解
c_ = m_%n
e_ = e//2
d = inverse(e_,phi)
m = pow(c_,d,n)
- 理论来说应该可以解决任意公约数的不互质问题,但是运行时间较长
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from sympy.ntheory.modular import crt
p = ?
q = ?
n = ?
c = ?
e = ?
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
gcd = GCD(e,phi)
d = inverse(e//gcd,phi)
R.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(p))
f = x^gcd - c
res1 = f.roots()
R.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(q))
f = x^gcd - c
res2 = f.roots()
for i in res1:
for j in res2:
m = crt([p,q],[int(i[0]),int(j[0])])
if m is not None:
except Exception as e:
- 可以看作是RSA中$e=2$的特殊情况,且$p\equiv q\equiv 3\ mod\ 4$
- 解法原理同上e和φ不互质
- 已知$n,x_1p+y_1q,x_2p+y_2q$
- 已知$n,(xp+yq)^{n-p-q}mod\ n$
- 已知$p^2+q^2$
# SageMath
N = ?
f = ZZ[I](N)
divisors_f = divisors(f)
for d in divisors_f:
a,b = d.real(), d.imag()
if a**2 + b**2 == N:
p = abs(int(a))
q = abs(int(b))
if is_prime(p) and is_prime(q):
print("p =",p)
print("q =",q)
Coppersmith 攻击
from Crypto.Util.number import *
n = ?
c = ?
e = 65537
p_high = ?
R.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n))
f = p_high + x
res = f.small_roots(X = 2^256,beta = 0.4)
if res != []:
p = p_high + int(res[0])
q = n // p
d = inverse(e,(p-1)*(q-1))
m = pow(c,d,n)